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RCG Projects


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In 2024 we received funding from the WECA Community Pollinator Fund to increase pollinator habitats and spread the word about how important they are to biodiversity and sustainability.


We worked with our partner schools, Knowle Park & Hillcrest, to provide weekly outdoor learning sessions for 120 children to learn about nature, pollinators and the environment.


We also ran weekly Green Social Prescribing sessions for adults and their carers to enjoy inclusive gardening supported by our wellbeing team.


Alongside increasing pollinator habitats in the Community Garden, we secured funding to work with Friends of Redcatch Park to increase biodiversity in the wider Redcatch Park.


We also worked in surrounding community areas and school playgrounds and visiting local schools to inspire the next generation of wildlife-lovers.

Click here to read our aims for the project

Click here to look at some tiny visitors to the Garden 🐝

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Scientists have revealed that queens of the common eastern bumblebee, a species widespread in eastern North America, can withstand underwater submersion for up to a week when hibernating!

Pollinator Fact of the Week

No Mow May

This time of year is very important for wildlife with plants, animals and birds all emerging from Winter. In particular, this is a critical time for insects and for all the essential services they provide including pollination, pest control and helping keep soil healthy.

Unfortunately, we’ve lost approximately 97% of flower-rich meadows since the 1930’s and with them gone are vital food needed by pollinators, like bees and butterflies.

But your lawn can help! A healthy lawn with some long grass and wildflowers benefits wildlife, tackles pollution and can even lock away carbon below ground. With over 20 million gardens in the UK, even the smallest grassy patches add up to a significant proportion of our land which, if managed properly, can deliver enormous gains for nature, communities and the climate.

Not mowing lawns, borders etc. in May allows flowers to flourish which can feed pollinating insects. Long grass and wild areas in gardens and parks also provide shelter and food for insects and other wildlife. 

This is why Plantlife calls for people to get involved with #NoMowMay every year, and let wild plants get a head start on the summer.

Best of all, to reap these benefits all you have to do is not mow your lawn in May and beyond!



WECA Community Pollinator Fund Spring Roundup

Click Ed in his bee suit below to read...

Ed Bee.jpg

WECA Autumn Newsletters

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