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Pollination in the Park!


The sun put his hat on for us!

This week we started work on our WECA West of England Combined Authority funded project to increase pollinator habitats in the park. We were joined for two days by students from University of West England and Bristol City Council parks team to plant a mixed native hedgerow. All the trees planted originate from the UK and are beneficial for habitat creation, encouraging wildlife into the park.

In order to determine the best options, we have consulted with biodiversity experts, Friends of Redcatch Park and BCC Parks to inform how and what to plant. The species we planted are field maple, hawthorn, blackthorn, hazel, dog rose, holly, elder and guelder rose.

These species flower at different times of year and are a massive benefit to pollinators. They are all small stature species and they are planted close together, limiting the rate of growth, and they will be kept at a low height by RCG with support from BCC Parks.

The lovely UWE students also helped us fill our raised beds in the Garden and polytunnels ready for the seasons planting.

Thank you for all your hard work team!

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