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RHS South West in Bloom - It's Your Neighbourhood Scheme


RHS It’s Your Neighbourhood (IYN) is a unique scheme for volunteer-led community gardening projects/groups who are focused on improving their local environment through community gardening. They can be for example, working in their local street, estate where they live, a back alley they share with their neighbours, or the local community centre’s outdoor space. Almost any outdoor site being looked after by the local community qualifies for this scheme.

We have been lucky enough to once again be awarded an Outstanding by this wonderful scheme! But this year we feel extra special as we we were also awarded the South West Urban Communities Trophy for which we have received a very shiny silver plate.

We are so proud of all of our wonderful staff and volunteers for making RCG the place it is and continuing to improve our community day-by-day, bit-by-bit!

Jayne, Lou, Jan and Alys with their awards presented by the Lord Mayor
Happy bunnies with the Lord Mayor, their awards and Alys, the Jack Russell, an honorary RCG member

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