Art therapy – individual and groups
Individual art therapy – We’re excited to be working in new partnerships with a local secondary and local primary providing 1:1 art therapy to some of their students.
Group art therapy –

Art Together – art therapy group for people living with dementia and their family/carers
New link with Time for Dementia, a programme for student doctors to enhance their understanding of dementia by building relationships with people living with dementia.
The group created some arty petals put together to make stunning paper flowers. These were exhibited at the BS4 Art Trail (see below).
Art in the Garden – Community art group
The group transformed an old canvas into a fascinating group painting – exhibited at the BS4 Art Trail (see below).
Our hessian screen is also taking shape and gradually everyone is making their artistic mark on it.
New connections
We proudly womanned our stall at the latest MANs (multi-agency networks) Meeting in Filwood Community Centre – a chance to meet and share good practice with other great people working with children and families in South Bristol.
We offered a wellbeing art session to staff from a local mother & baby centre with a view to setting up an ongoing group for parents in need of extra support.
Rethink Mental Illness came in for an art & wellbeing workshop that was well attended by their service users.

In other news….
Four amazing new artworks for RCG in the new BS4 Arts Trail!
See images here:
